Try Our Foster-to-Adopt Program

Thinking About Adding a Big Lovable Dog to Your Family?

Try Our Foster-to-Adopt Program

It's Easy!

  • Find an Adult Dog (40 Pounds or More) Who You Would Like to Adopt
  • Foster Your Selected Dog for Up to 30 Days
  • Complete the Adoption If It's a Good Match
We provide you with food and any medical care your big dog needs. In fact, because there is an adjustment period, we also provide training. Our in-house trainer is available to people in the Foster-to-Adopt Program as a consultant to answer questions and offer solutions. If needed, we can also provide you with 4-6 weeks of free training through a GoodPup Scholarship.

Find Your Match by Visiting the Shelter Daily 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Contact Us

Friends of Upland Animal Shelter
1275 San Bernardino Road
Upland, CA 91786
Animal Shelter Phone Number: 1-909-931-4185

2nd Chance Thrift Shop
972 W. 9th Street
Upland, CA 91786
Thrift Shop Phone Number: 1-909-920-6020


General Telephone:


Non-Profit Tax Identification #46-2546783

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