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Be A Volunteer

Make a commitment to help out in any way you can.

Show your support...
Be A Volunteer

Make a commitment to help out in any way you can.

Volunteering at the Shelter

Friends of Upland Animal Shelter operates Upland Animal Shelter in partnership with the City of Upland's Animal Control Officers.

Volunteers are valued members of our team and help staff perform a variety of tasks at the shelter every day of the year.  

As a new volunteer, you will attend an orientation, work one-on-one with a mentor, and attend other training sessions so you can be successful as a volunteer.  Once you are trained, you can make your own schedule and volunteer anytime from 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily.

How to Become a Shelter Volunteer

  1. Be at least 18 years old.
  2. Be able to volunteer a minimum number of hours each month.  Please note, we do not accept pre-trial or court-ordered volunteers at the shelter.
  3. Fill out the Shelter Volunteer Application. Once you have completed your application, our volunteer coordinator will contact you by email to arrange your introductory orientation.  Please be sure that you give an accurate email address that you can check frequently.  Orientations are held on a monthly basis and fill up quickly.

Fostering Animals

Fosters are critical members of our life-saving team.  Fostering a litter of kittens or puppies or other animals who need special care gives them the chance they need to thrive. 

How to Become a Foster

  1. Be at least 25 years old.
  2. Be able to keep animals in your home.
  3. Live within 20 minutes of Upland to be close to veterinary care.
  4. See Be a Foster Family and fill out the Foster Application.  Once you have completed your application, the Foster Coordinator will work with you to match you with animals who need fostering. 

Volunteering at 2nd Chance

Our thrift shop supports our shelter operation.

At the thrift shop, regular, dedicated volunteers as well as short-term volunteers are needed to help sort and display merchandise, assist customers, do light cleaning, help with special events, and other tasks.

If you need volunteer service credit, you can often schedule and complete your volunteer hours at the shop faster than at the shelter; however, we do require a minimum commitment of twenty (20) volunteer service hours to provide a completion letter.

How to Become a Thrift Shop Volunteer

  1. Be at least 17 years old.  If you are between 15 and 17 years old, you may volunteer with a parent or guardian.
  2. Be able to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours.  Please note, only volunteers who complete 20 hours will receive a certification letter.
  3. Fill out the online Thrift Shop Volunteer Application.  Once you have completed your application, the Thrift Shop Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to set up a date for you to start volunteering. 

Are You Under 18?

If you are one of our younger supporters who is under 18, you can organize a donation drive or do a special project.  We can always use towels, blankets, bowls, toys, treats, cat litter, and monetary donations.  See our Wish List.

When somebody does this for us, we love to take a picture of the items received next to the person that collected them and put it on our Facebook page.  You can get your school, church and/or neighborhood involved too.

For more information or to discuss a special project you would like to do, send an e-mail to our Volunteer Coordinator.

FUNdraise With Us

As a non-profit organization, we rely on monetary donations.  We always need help with a variety of fundraising activities and special events. 

For more information on how you can help support shelter animals through fundraising,  please send an e-mail to the Fundraising Team.

Have a Special Talent?

If you have a special talent or have a unique way of offering assistance, your help will be gladly accepted.  For example, one of our long-time volunteers makes blankets to give away to every family that adopts a pet at the shelter.  Another volunteer decorated Christmas trees for a silent auction at 2nd Chance Thrift Shop.

For more information and to discuss a special project you would like to do, send an e-mail to our Volunteer Coordinator. 

Follow Upland Animal Shelter


Contact Us

Friends of Upland Animal Shelter
1275 San Bernardino Road
Upland, CA 91786
Animal Shelter Phone Number: 1-909-931-4185

2nd Chance Thrift Shop
972 W. 9th Street
Upland, CA 91786
Thrift Shop Phone Number: 1-909-920-6020


General Telephone:


Non-Profit Tax Identification #46-2546783

Follow 2nd Chance Thrift Shop 



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